Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Order out of Chaos

I don't know how you cope when you feel out of control? I throw myself into a frenzy of trying to create order where I can. I had a meeting at work today where I did not know what to expect, all I knew was I had a meeting and the time was looming fast. Last night I washed, scrubbed, bleached, emptied, swept until I was tired out. I couldn't stop because I had to get some part of my universe under my control in the knowledge I was facing something today totally outside my control.

It's interesting what Trev has blogged on tonight!

You know we do not know when Jesus is coming back but we know he is... How ordered are we for his return, how in control of our spiritual life are we? do we need to wash, empty, scrub, bleach and sweep our spiritual life?

I hate not being in control, Im a long range person I like to think and plan way ahead and my mind is always whizzing, yet sometimes a well aimed spanner throws my plans into chaos and I need to have order. I restored physical order last night to try and gain perspective.

God is in the order of creating beauty from chaos - Behold the earth was formless and void (chaos) .... God said let their be light and there was light.

You know me creating physical order had no effect on my meeting at all. The only one who can do that is the Chaos controlling God.

Are we going to let God say LET THERE BE LIGHT and come into our Chaos this week?

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