I went to school today it was a bit like the Mary Celeste. The school was evoid of students and the staff were hermitted in their classrooms. We have often said wouldn't school be great without children and it dawned on me that instead of enjoying what has often been wished for, my thoughts were why do I have to be here? I was like Goldilocks tasting porridge first one was too hot, second too cold... stamping my feet and having a hissy fit

It occurred to me how contrary and childlike we can be. I was observing a toddler the other day yammering incesantly about wanting something, immediately they had it they put it down and want something else. How often we act in just the same way.
It makes me remember someone that came to Church one day seeking the 'Toronto Blessing' they were told swiftly that we had it last week but it wasn't here this week. What a shame the person didn't come to church to look for Jesus.
In all our striving we must learn to be content, whether we are experience blessing or testing. We must remember a test is merely an unfulfilled testimony.
Paul had learnt the secret of contentment in Philippians 4 he tells us 'I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry both of having abundance and having need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'
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