Out with the other leaders today for our annual get away day at a local convent. Snow was falling all around, people playing having fun, you can fill in the rest for yourself. The room we were meeting in was at the top of a longish snow covered hill, very beautiful and picturesque.
I don't know how many of you have watched Dumbo the Disney film, theres a bit in it with the train that carries all the circus animals trying to get up a hill. He puffs as he makes his way up the hill I think I can, I think I can, I think I can - and with extreme effort when he reaches the top and is able to roll down the other side chuffs I know I can I know I can.

Anyway, I drive an automatic car, not some great SUV or anything but a glorified hairdryer engine placed in an upturned skip painted jauntily in blue and decorated with pink flowers. Some of you might know but automatics aren't the best things to drive in the snow they are a little difficult to control a little akin to watching a drunken giraffe getting to grips with Ice Skating.
There was the snowy hill all waiting for me, I could have parked at the bottom and walked up but I kind of like the skaty slidy feeling you get driving an auto in the snow and I thought to myself I'm going to drive up that hill.... I think I can I think I can
Sure enough it was a little slippy and slidy and fun but I drove up the hill. It isn't the only daunting physical or metaphorical hill I will climb this year. I had belief that I could handle my car up that hill - others might think it was silly or too much effort but the hill was there!
I think it was Hillary who was asked why he climbed everest and replied because it was there.
I'ts amazing what a little belief will do for you. Even if people think you are mad you will have the exhilaration of reaching the summit and knowing that you have succeeded.
Philipians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
If we just left that at I can do all things it would seem like supreme arrogance, the same sort of attitude of the men who built the tower of Babel. The key to climbing our metaphorical mountains is we have the power that comes from knowing Christ.
There is a huge difference. It is one thing for someone to say, "I can do all things." It is quite different to say "I can do all things through Christ."Jesus said to His disciples "without Me you can do nothing," (John. 15:5).
As we approach a new year full of metaphorical mountains lets climb them knowing we can with the strength that comes from knowing christ.
I don't know how many of you have watched Dumbo the Disney film, theres a bit in it with the train that carries all the circus animals trying to get up a hill. He puffs as he makes his way up the hill I think I can, I think I can, I think I can - and with extreme effort when he reaches the top and is able to roll down the other side chuffs I know I can I know I can.

Anyway, I drive an automatic car, not some great SUV or anything but a glorified hairdryer engine placed in an upturned skip painted jauntily in blue and decorated with pink flowers. Some of you might know but automatics aren't the best things to drive in the snow they are a little difficult to control a little akin to watching a drunken giraffe getting to grips with Ice Skating.
There was the snowy hill all waiting for me, I could have parked at the bottom and walked up but I kind of like the skaty slidy feeling you get driving an auto in the snow and I thought to myself I'm going to drive up that hill.... I think I can I think I can
Sure enough it was a little slippy and slidy and fun but I drove up the hill. It isn't the only daunting physical or metaphorical hill I will climb this year. I had belief that I could handle my car up that hill - others might think it was silly or too much effort but the hill was there!
I think it was Hillary who was asked why he climbed everest and replied because it was there.
I'ts amazing what a little belief will do for you. Even if people think you are mad you will have the exhilaration of reaching the summit and knowing that you have succeeded.
Philipians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
If we just left that at I can do all things it would seem like supreme arrogance, the same sort of attitude of the men who built the tower of Babel. The key to climbing our metaphorical mountains is we have the power that comes from knowing Christ.
There is a huge difference. It is one thing for someone to say, "I can do all things." It is quite different to say "I can do all things through Christ."Jesus said to His disciples "without Me you can do nothing," (John. 15:5).
As we approach a new year full of metaphorical mountains lets climb them knowing we can with the strength that comes from knowing christ.
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